Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Client Strategy Proposal for AngliCare Australia (Non Profit Research Paper

Client Strategy Proposal for AngliCare Australia (Non Profit Organisation) - Research Paper Example The message we are trying to spread here is â€Å"Let others reuse to the core for what you have use no more†, encouraging people to donate things that they are done with, but something that still has some sort of value so that someone else can put it to use. Introduction AngliCare is a social welfare agency based in Australia. They provide a unique range of community services including family relationship services, foster care, adoption, employment services, community housing and development, etc. Originally established in June 1976 as â€Å"Anglican Health and Welfare Services†, AngliCare now has a staff of over 400 and a network of more than 300 volunteers and counting, AngliCare is now one of Australia’s largest Christian care organizations and reaches out to over 38 thousand people every year, making an annual turnover of over 25 Million Dollars. (About Us 2011) Being a social welfare organization, AngliCare provides specialized services to all, children, th e aged, the disabled; anyone who requires help. They realize that more often than not, people are in need of an ear to listen and some moral support. Their main aim is to try to help these people through love and Jesus. Goals & Objectives AngliCare has a vision to change lives and communities by care through Jesus Christ. They believe that, â€Å"we live in a just and fair society in which all people thrive.† (Dear Applicant 2011). All they want to do is help everyone get there. They want to provide support and services to those who need it, as a push to make them reach where they want to. They also want to play a role in influencing policy makers to ensure that institutions and systems are made aware of the needs of all people in the community. AngliCare has one mission-to care: by doing good work that will help communities evolve and address any kind of needs, emotional, social or physical, that the people may have. AngliCare’s goal is to work together with people, f amilies and their communities so as to enhance their abilities and to encourage them to cope with the daily challenges that life has to offer. They do so by being compassionate, responsive, non judgmental and non discriminating in their strive to help others feel empowered. AngliCare depends on team work. It is their best strategy and has over time made them believe that cooperation and collaboration is what leads to achieving quality outcomes for both individuals and communities. Situation Analysis: SWOT Strengths: AngliCare provides a vast range of services that has turned to be a strength for them. These services include caring for the aged, youth services, family relationship services, disability and carer services, disaster recovery, etc. They do not discriminate or judge, but accept whoever comes to them with needs. Being a social welfare group, this plays a very strong role in their functioning. Their main motto is to care and they ensure that this message is communicated to all they come across. AngliCare also has strength in its organizational and services structures that are very comprehensive and well planned. Weakness: In spite of being a social welfare organization, everything is not given to AngliCare on a silver platter. They are facing issues that can be considered a weakness to their functioning, such as with some of its events, the volunteers and the bad donations to its op shops. They need to work on

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Research Paper

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Research Paper Example Post-traumatic stress disorder is characterized by intrusive memories, avoidance and emotional numbing, anxiety, and increased emotional arousal. As is the case with many anxiety disorders, there is no concrete cause of post-traumatic stress disorder. Each individual will have their own unique trigger. Nevertheless, there are theories of causation and a variety of factors that have shown to contribute to the developing of post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder, as a whole, can be caused by â€Å"an event that is life-threatening or that severely compromises the emotional well-being of an individual or causes intense fear (Hibberd & Elwood, 2010).† As such, a primary cause of post-traumatic stress disorder is experience; however, aside from experiencing psychological trauma, individuals can also be prone to develop the disorder through neuroendocrinology and genetics. As previously stated, a core cause of post-traumatic stress disorder is the experiencing or witnessing of a traumatic event that causes the individual to feel intense fear. Victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect, especially during their childhood, are at risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder. These individuals increase their risks when they do not get help for their abuse or neglect in a timely manner, which would prevent them from certain emotional downfalls. Military men and women, doctors, police officers, firefighters, and emergency response teams experience and witness horrific and traumatic events on a daily basis. These individuals consistently put themselves at risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder, which is why these careers involve intense screening to determine who is the most emotionally capable to handle the extreme conditions of such jobs. People who have witnessed or experienced a horrific car accident, a murder, a natural disas ter, or a life-threatening illness are also